Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Team of the Week: Urban Catalysts

Be part of pushing back darkness in Indonesia. Go deeper in your walk with Christ & put on the full armor of God. Daily opportunities to engage people with the Good News. It will not be an easy summer, bit it will be very rewarding.

Your team will be focused on walking the Spirit, praying diligently, boldly sowing the Gospel, working alongside national believers, finding areas of receptivity to the Gospel & making disciples. It can be difficult to get deeper in spiritual conversations using English only, so partnering with national believers is a must. Though the majority would claim to be Muslims, many are involved in mystic practices & dark magic. The area is known for a particular form of magical martial art. Many come to this area searching & praying for power & influence over spirits & people.

IMB Job #:  113104
Location: Indonesia
Team size: 4 (2 guys/2 girls)
Field expense:  $1313 plus round trip airfare, passport costs, & required travel insurance


Dates for Summer 2017
May 29  Leader pre-training begins
June 1  Member pre-training begins
June 6  Teams travel to the field
Aug 1  Teams return for debrief
Aug 4  Students return home