Thursday, July 14, 2016

Learning is Fun

There a few things this summer has taught me so far. 
1) With God you can do anything He calls you to. 
2) Comfort zones are not all that great after all. 
3) You never know where or when God will use you. So always be on the look out and be ready.

There have been many times this past six weeks where I have felt unprepared, unsure and completely out of my depth. But throughout these challenges I have come to learn an even deeper trust in and reliance on God. I can honestly say that it is not me who is working, but it is Him using me to reach the people He loves. 

I have experienced so much from teaching refugee children English when I have zero teaching experience, and really no idea how to handle pre-schoolers, to walking up to a complete stranger and starting a conversation without even knowing if they speak the same language. I have been blessed to be pushed out of my comfort zone and in doing so having the chance to share with the people here about Jesus and his amazing love for us.

From parks to coffee shops. From the busy streets and malls to the quiet bookstores and little cafes. There are chances everywhere to share the Gospel. One thing about staying in another country is that you really realize how many people there are in the world that need to hear. But just as important, it makes you think of all the people in your country, city, town, and neighborhood that need to hear as well. Sharing the gospel should be part of who we are everyday, not just for a week or a summer!

So if I could pass encouragement on to you all I would say to throw your comfort zones out the window and look for God to lead you to everyday opportunities to share the truth with someone, anyone, across an ocean or on your street. Trust Him enough to know that even when you are not sure what to do or say that He can and will use you, and your own unique abilities. He is the one who saves, we are just blessed enough to be His messengers.
