Friday, July 8, 2016


It’s hard to understand something that doesn’t have any information. Well our life has a lot of things that we need to understand sometimes or some people only focus on what they know or what they want to do in their life. God wants us to understand that He has a better plan for us instead of just doing what we know that satisfies us and will result only in physical things, which is only temporary.
It is God’s plan for us to enjoy life and He wants us to enjoy it with Him. For God is eternal and if we will be able to know what is God’s will for us then it will result to eternal joy.
As Christian we are called to glorify God. I know we all know that. But sometimes we forget other people. Do they not deserve to also enjoy life with God? Yes! They also must know that they can enjoy life not only on earth but also for eternity in heaven. So, as Christians we are called to “GO and make disciples of all nations.”
Island Hoops & Healing national partner