Thursday, June 9, 2016

Following Up With Persons of Peace

This week has been a little discouraging for the New York team. We have shared the gospel with many devout Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and even Catholics. We have attended some follow ups with those who we believe are people of peace, but many have not answered the door, or canceled because of fear of their husbands. This has been a heavy burden on us this week. We know the grace and the love that comes when we put our faith in Jesus, and we see how much these people need that. Our hearts are broken for these people, but we know that God has a plan for them. Our job is to plant the seeds, and one day we may see the harvest.

Please pray for this Russian woman. One of our volunteer teams and Anna met her and saw her interest in who Jesus was. We gave her a film in her language and asked if she would watch it. There was a little bit of a language barrier, and she had a definite fear of her husband. She and her husband are Muslim, and she voiced to us that it is her husband's job to keep it that way. She is not allowed to talk with Americans, but makes a point to do so. Anna called her on Friday to schedule a follow up with her, and to give her a Bible in her language. She answered, and very strongly, told Anna that we could not talk to her anymore. Please pray that God would continue to work in Tina's life, and begin to convict her. Pray that she would be able to reach out to us again if it is safe, and that God would soften her husband's heart towards her.

After a day of having doors shut in their faces, Lacey and her Astoria team decided to do evangelism in a nearby park. While at the park, they met a young man named Julian. The team asked him if there was anything they could pray for him about and he immediately began to tell them about how he had done bad things to his mom, but how she loved him anyway. He told Lacey and her team that he could not tell his mom that he loved her, or hug her, because of shame from the things he had done to her. He explained that he was so amazed that she still loved him through his decisions. Lacey an her team explained that this is a lot like man's relationship with God. We do bad things, and disappoint God, but he still loves us and is willing to forgive us. They prayed for him, and he said he was going to go home and make things right with his mom. Please pray for this Man of peace. Pray for our upcoming follow ups with him, and that God would continue to change and work in his life.

As we enter into more follow ups this week, please pray that God would give us open doors and open hearts. Pray that we would find more people of peace. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be the presence of these follow ups, and that it would be His words that speak through us, not ours,

Advancing the Kingdom forever and always,
-Anna and Lacey