Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Beautiful Week

This week has been eventful and we cannot get over the beauty found here in Thailand. The people are beautiful, the scenery is beautiful, and the ministry being done here in Thailand is beautiful. We visited a village and played volleyball with some of the kids where connections were made. Our team was invited to go on a walk with Thai friends and that morning our supervisor shared with them. It was incredible to be apart of that moment! Pray that the seed that was planted would grow; pray that they would understand the Gospel and respond. 

We also went to a Thai church on Sunday where we heard an amazing testimony- a whole family who once claimed Buddhism as truth came to know Christ just a few months ago. God is at work here. We have been able to connect with the teachers at the school we teach English at, we love them already! Pray that our friendships would deepen and that we would be able to share with them.