Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Final Stretch

We’ve been in M'long for two weeks now. It has it’s challenges– All seven of us cram into an 11 x 11 house and our bathroom situation is a little bit different, but we have also been blessed with electricity and can have fans while sleeping and a light when it gets dark! 

We have several Bible studies set up, and things are going well! We are going into our last week starting tomorrow, and we’ll have around 7 or 8 days and then the summer is basically over. I can’t believe it’s starting to come to a close already. It’s flown by, yet dragged by at the same time. We all have conflicting emotions–excitement about coming home and seeing family and sadness about leaving the Philippines. But for now, we’re trying to stay focused on our ministry so we can make the most of the time we have left. 

We are all learning so many lessons about grace. With this being the second half of the summer, we are all completely exhausted–both physically and emotionally. But it’s during our weakest moments and days that God shows us that it’s not about us, but Him. Because He moves anyway, even when we are struggling the most. 

As far as prayer requests, please continue to pray for health... we’re all pretty tired. We’ve also experienced some spiritual warfare. Pray for us to be strengthened physically & spiritually. 

Continue to pray for the people in this village– God is moving, but there are still strongholds from the strict Roman Catholic religion. A common response we hear from people when asked how you get to heaven is, “Do good works and pray.” Just pray that they will be able to rest in the Gospel and that Christ is all they need to be justified before God.
