Monday, June 22, 2015

When God's Plans are Better

"Welcome to our family!" our new friends at the nearby primary school sang to us.  My heart melted at the sound of their pure voices and the sight of their sheepish grins.  The six of us attempted to return the favor by singing our arrangement of "Amazing Grace."  White smiles shone from contrasting brown skin as little hands applauded and welcomed us in approval.  It was go-time.

Bible Camp was commencing.  Two by two, our team divided into three groups: story, music, and games.  An hour and a half later, my voice was raspy from the scream-singing we had done.  My apparently rare, "angel-white" hair was knotted from the 1,000 sticky hands rubbing it.  Who knew praising the Lord would be this wild?

We left overjoyed, but sad to leave them.  We headed back to our lodge, planning to do the same thing the next day at a different school.  But God had other plans. 

The next morning came and half of us were under the weather (don't worry Mama, we're all better now).  In spite of this, we planned to go make an appearance at the school in an effort to establish a good relationship.  We bumped two & a half hours down the road to find kids patiently awaiting a program, though it was after school hours.  And since my teammates are flexible and downright awesome, a program they delivered.  Leaving the sick ones in the car, they went out to meet  the school staff and children.  I watched from a distance out the car window and listened to them sing our arrangement of "Amazing Grace" with boldness and, well... grace.  My heart swelled with joy.  Though both leaders of the music group were in the vehicle, our teammates sang and danced with the kids, giggles abounding.  Furthermore, they were able to share the Gospel with these sweet souls... using a soccer ball.  It suddenly became a happy day. 
  • Was sickness in our plans?  Of  course not. 
  • Did I want to stay in the car that day?  No way! 
  • Did God work through our seemingly bad situation?  Mm-hmm. 
  • Are His plans always better than ours?  Absolutely.
So, friends, take heart;  we serve a mighty, faithful God who works in ALL situations.  When things in your day don't go as planned, fear not.  Jesus' plans are always far better than our own.  Rest in that today.


The heart of man plans his way,
but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 ESV