Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Walls of Jericho Redux

There were five kids and no adults. We called Mama Kassou. She told us to wait until 10am. So we waited. More children began to arrive, and, after an hour, there were thirty-two of them and twelve adults.

We started off in prayer and song. Hannah led them in “Hallelujah, Praise Ye the Lord.” The middle group of kids stood up and sang, “Hallelujah,” and the outer rows sang, “Praise ye the Lord!”

Then I told the story of Jericho and explained the importance of obeying God’s commands. When I finished, they wanted to act out the story—even the adults.

We ended our time by singing a song about the walls of Jericho, which Mama Kassou led. Everyone sang loudly, pretending to walk around the walls and shouting for the walls to come down.

Pray that the youth of Belleville would come to delight in the Lord more and in his perfect, pleasing commands!

By Kaylee