Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Filipino Nehemiah Teams: Singapore

As we prepare and pray for upcoming Nehemiah Teams for this Summer 2015, let us not forget the work God is doing through the Filipino branch of Nehemiah Teams. This upcoming month of April is an exciting time because 120+ young Filipino believers will follow Christ into the great unknown to share His message of love to those who do not know Him. It is especially exciting because we will have one of our first international destinations, Singapore. 

When we picture in our mind a Nehemiah Teams summer, living and sharing with people in one of the largest and most industrialized cities of the world is not usually what comes to mind, but this is exactly what two young Filipino Nehemiah Teams leaders will be doing in Singapore this next month. Please be in prayer for them as they help lead orientations here in the Philippines and as they go out to share the Good News in Singapore.

Pray for:
* those in Singapore that will soon be hearing the message of the gospel for the first time, that they would have open hearts ready to accept
* for those going to be able to raise financial support for air fare and living expenses in Singapore
* for travel safety to and from
* for many opportunities to share and lead Bible studies while they are on the field